Columba livia  Rock Pigeon
(Previously known as Rock Dove) These ledge-nesting granivores forage on fields, lawns, and city pavement. They show little preference for uplands or bottomlands, but most of Louisiana's largest towns and farms are in the latter.

photo Copyright © 1999 by Brian Miller 
female or male

Zenaida macroura  Mourning Dove
These abundant and urban-tolerant granivores nest where they can find open, dry land for foraging and at least a few trees or shrubs in which to nest. A single pair may raise several broods during a year.

painting by Louis Agassiz Fuertes 1914
female, juvenile, and male

Zenaida asiatica  White-winged Dove
First noted in Louisiana in 1894, this species is extending its range eastward from Texas, westward from Florida, or both. These somewhat colonial, branch-nesting granivores seem to be well established in Cameron, in Cameron Parish, and perhaps some other towns in southern Louisiana.

photo Copyright © 1999 by Bill Bergen 
male or female